The Applicant Management System is a web-enabled application (Php/MySQL) created in conjunction with Purely Interactive. It is used to automate the resident application process which prior to the advent of this system was done on a largely manual basis using spreadsheets and paper.
The process works as follows:
- Prospective resident information is imported into the system.
- Physicians are able to log in to the system and review the applications and rate them to give them a score. Only residents achieving a certain score are eligible for an face-to-face interview with a physician and a resident.
Interviewers (either a Physician or a Resident) then:
- login to the web application
- search for an applicant by ID
- view information imported into web application (from file review) about the applicant
- enter information and scores for various questions during interview and submit:
- once the information from the interview has been submitted, the applicant record cannot be updated by the interviewer (only by an administrator)
- if an applicant has already been interviewed, this is indicated next to the applicant’s name in the search results for an interviewer
- two interview records can be submitted per applicant – one from a Physician and one from a Resident
The administrator is able to:
- search for an applicant by ID
- view information imported into web application (from file review) about the applicant
- edit interview status for applicant
- edit scheduled interview date for applicant
- edit information inputted during interviews and submit
- add, edit and disable users
- Run a report that shows the interview status of applicants
A spreadsheet indicating final scores is exported from the system.